Application Overview:
The “Track Tester” from Machine Design Soultions is designed to quantify the performance of catheters and stent delivery systems. This is accomplished by using a precision drive mechanism to insert the catheter into a network of flexible tubing. The tubing is tied down to a perforated plate in order to model the arterial system. The perforated plate allows the user to customize the model according to their needs. The entire model may be submerged under a temperature controlled, water based solution to ensure the model is most realistic.
The measurement quantities are derived from a position based motor controller and strain gauges. The system collects position and force data as the catheter is inserted into the model. These values are displayed on a computer monitor and are also stored in data files.
Customer’s Requirements:
Track Tester required an industrial grade CPU board, compatible with LabVIEW, that was small enough to keep the tester’s electrical cabinet size down while still providing analog and digital I/O inputs.
Diamond Systems’ Solution:
Diamond Systems Athena CPU was the perfect solution for Track Tester. Athena provided support for LabVIEW and Diamond System’s technical support was there for any questions along the way. Athena’s onboard analong and digital I/O were also important features for Track Tester. Last, Athena’s small footprint and rugged durability made it the embedded CPU of choice for Machine Design Solutions.
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