3.5" Form Factor





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Products   >   I/O Expansion Modules   >   Analog I/O Modules
pc104 analog I/O modules

PCIe MiniCard analog I/O module

Rugged Analog I/O Modules

Our extensive line of analog I/O modules currently includes PC/104, PCIe MiniCard and FeaturePak form-factor products, providing both A/D and D/A functions. Most of these products also include digital I/O and counter/timer features. A unique feature of Diamond analog I/O modules is our patented autocalibration technology, which can reduce analog measurement errors by up to 10 times relative to conventional designs.

Our industry leading analog I/O offers the following benefits:

Highest performance analog in & analog out in a small form factor
More channels, more ranges, higher sample rate
Patented auto-calibration for the highest accuracy
Industry-leading Universal Driver control panels & software
High performance DAQ integrated onto SBCs for cost, weight and size savings


32-Channel Analog I/O PC/104 Module with Advanced Automatic Autocalibration

32-Channel Analog I/O PC/104 Module with Auto-Autocalibration

PC/104 16-Bit Analog I/O Module with Autocalibration

PC/104 module with 16 16-Bit D/A outputs plus 48 DIO, extended temperature operation

The Diamond-MM-16RP-AT analog I/O module provides excellent low-noise performance and full-speed sampling in a multi-channel configuration without loss of accuracy.

PC/104-Plus module with 16 16-Bit D/A outputs plus 48 DIO, extended temperature operation
PCIe MiniCard

Analog I/O PCIe MiniCard Module

  > >  See our Analog I/O Modules feature comparison chart  < <

2-in-1 SBCs with Integrated Analog I/O

If you need analog I/O in your application, consider using one of Diamond�s 2-in-1 SBCs that integrate a complete data acquisition circuit directly onto the SBC. This space-saving approach eliminates one board in your system, making it smaller, lighter, more rugged, and easier to assemble and manage.
  • Aries -- PC/104-Plus SBC based on an Intel E3800 dual core or quad core CPU
  • Helios -- PC/104 SBC based on a 800MHz or 1GHz Vortex86DX CPU
  • Helix -- PC/104 SBC based on a 1GHz Vortex86DX3 CPU
  • Athena III -- PC/104 SBC based on a 1.6GHz Intel E680T CPU
  • Hercules III -- EBX SBC based on a 1.6GHz Intel E680T CPU
  • Neptune -- EPIC SBC with configurable ETX Intel E3845 or AMD G-Series COM CPU
  • Zeta -- COM Express Mini SBC with Intel Bay Trail / Apollo Lake CPUs

Other Embedded I/O Expansion Modules

Diamond's product line also includes the following PC/104, PCIe MiniCard, EMX and FeaturePak expansion module families:

Typical Features
Up to 32 16-bit analog inputs
Up to 4 12-bit analog outputs
Up to 256KHz A/D sampling rate
1024 sample FIFO
Programmable input ranges
Automatic autocalibration for carefree, high accuracy measurements
Counter/timer for A/D pacer clock and D/A waveform generator
-40 to +85 degrees C operation
+5V-only power supply
Universal Driver software and technical manual included

autocalibration accuracy
(click image to enlarge)

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Autocalibration for Enhanced Analog I/O Accuracy

Every analog circuit exhibits fluctuations in performance due to changes in temperature. Today's complex A/D circuits may exhibit errors that become significant in comparison to the signal being measured. The problem becomes even worse with products which are rated for operation over a wide temperature range of -40 to +85 degrees C.

Autocalibration solves these problems by enabling the board to be calibrated under software control at any time. No physical access is required, so the process can be done as often as desired, limiting any effects of temperature changes on the system. Additionally, Diamond's Universal Driver software provides a built-in autocalibration function call, which enables quick and easy calibration and ensures accurate measurements at all times.

For further information on this topic, read our analog autocalibration whitepaper (pdf download).

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Comparison of Analog I/O Module Features

Analog Inputs Analog Outputs Miscellaneous
Product Form Factor # Inputs Res Bip Uni Gain Max Autocal FIFO # Out Res Bip Uni # Digital I/O XT
PC/104 32 SE, 16 DI 16 5 5 Program 250KHz Auto 1024 4 16 3 3 24 I/O Yes
PC/104 32 SE, 16 DI 16 5 4 Program 250KHz Yes 1024 4 12 2 2 24 I/O Yes
PC/104 16SE, 8 DI 16 5 4 Program 100KHz Yes 512 4 12 2 2 8 In, 8 Out Yes
PC/104 16SE, 8 DI 16 5 4 Program 100KHz Yes 512 4 12 2 2 8 In, 8 Out Yes
PC/104 16SE, 8 DI 12 5 4 Program 100KHz Yes 512 2 12 2 2 8 In, 8 Out Yes
PC/104 16SE, 8 DI 12 6 6 Jumper 100KHz 2 12 2 8 In, 8 Out Yes
PC/104 16 16 2 2 48 I/O Yes
PC/104 8 16 2 2 48 I/O Yes
PC/104 4 16 2 2 48 I/O Yes
PC/104-Plus 16 16 2 2 48 I/O Yes
PC/104-Plus 8 16 2 2 48 I/O Yes
PC/104-Plus 4 16 2 2 48 I/O Yes
PC/104-Plus 16SE, 8 DI 16 4 4 Program 2MHz Yes 16K 16 16 4 3 32 I/O Yes
PCIe MiniCard 8SE, 4 DI 16 2 2 Program 100KHz 2048 4 16 0 2 14 I/O Yes
FeaturePak 16SE, 8 DI 16 4 4 Program 2MHz Yes 16K 16 16 4 3 32 I/O Yes

SE Single-ended analog inputs
DI Differential analog inputs
I/O Programmable direction


Res Resolution
Bip Bipolar ranges
Uni Unipolar ranges
Max Max sample rate
Autocal Autocalibration
FIFO Number of FIFO samples
XT -40 to to +85 degrees C