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Products   >   Hidden   >   Hidden Type   >   Diamond-MM
      DIAMOND-MM  12-bit Analog I/O PC/104 Module   PC104
Diamond-MM: Hidden, , PC/104
This product has reached End of Life. It may be manufacturable with a minimum order quantity. Please contact Diamond Systems Sales department for further information. For a replacement product please see our DMM-16R-AT board which provides similar features with 16-bit A/D resolution.

Diamond-MM has a full set of features to support a wide range of analog and digital I/O application requirements. The analog input circuit uses a 12-bit A/D converter and can be configured for single-ended or differential input wiring, as well as unipolar or bipolar input ranges. It also offers 10 different input ranges, so it can work with a wide variety of input signals. The maximum A/D conversion rate is approximately 2,000-20,000 per second using interrupts (depending on the operating system).

Two analog outputs provide 12-bit resolution over a 0-5V or user-adjustable output range with 8mA drive current and 4uS settling time. The D/A can also be used as a digital attenuator for an analog signal fed into one of the reference inputs.

The board contains 8 digital inputs and 8 digital outputs. It has an on-board 82C54 counter/timer chip to control the A/D sampling rate and provide general purpose counting functions.

Diamond-MM: Hidden, , PC/104

Analog Input Ranges

Diamond-MM supports multiple analog input voltage ranges, including both unipolar (+ only) and bipolar (+ and) ranges. In addition, a gain amplifier circuit allows you to reduce the input range to handle smaller signals.

To get the best resolution, select the smallest input range that is large enough to cover the entire range of your input signals. You can also install a resistor to customize the range exactly to your requirements. Note: On any A/D converter, the input range is the same as the full-scale A/D range divided by the gain. On Diamond-MM, the full-scale A/D range is 0-5V in unipolar mode and ±5V in bipolar mode.


Input Range Resolution
0 - 10V 2.44mV
0 - 5V 1.22mV
0 - 2.5V 0.61mV
0 - 1V 0.244mV
0 - 0.5V 0.122mV
Custom (10KΩ /R)/4096)V


Input Range Resolution
>±10V 4.88mV
±5V 2.44mV
±2.5V 1.22mV
>±1V .488mV
±0.5 .244mV
Custom (10KΩ /R)/2048)V

Analog Output Ranges

The full-scale analog output voltage range is unipolar and is preset to 0 - 5V. However, you can adjust this range anywhere from 0 - 4V to 0 - 10V by adjusting a potentiometer on the board. You can also supply an external reference signal to each DAC individually to select unique ranges for each output channel. If the reference signal is an AC waveform (e.g. an audio signal), then the DAC can be used as an attenuator (volume control).

Note: The -NA versions of Diamond-MM do not have analog outputs.

A/D Conversion Methods and Rates

To provide flexibility in integrating with your application, Diamond-MM offers several methods of controlling A/D conversions. An A/D conversion can be triggered in 3 different ways: software command, external trigger, or on-board pacer clock. After the conversion is done, the data can be transferred from the board to system memory in 3 ways: software command, interrupt routine, or DMA transfer. Different conversion rates require the use of different transfer ethods:

Software command 2,000/sec max (approx.)
Interrupt routine 20,000/sec max (approx.)
DMA transfer 100,000/sec max (board limit)

Free Software

Diamond-MM comes with free driver software compatible with C and Basic anguages. Example programs are included to get you started quickly. Some examples of the supported board operations are:

  • A/D conversion on single channel
  • A/D conversion scan on multiple channels
  • Interrupt-based A/D conversions
  • DMA A/D conversions
  • Analog output on single channel
  • Analog output on both channels
  • Program counter/timers
  • Digital input, bit and byte
  • Digital output, bit and byte

I/O Header Pinout

Vin 15 / 7- 1 2 Vin 7 / 7+
Vin 14 / 6- 3 4 Vin 6 / 6+
Vin 13 / 5- 5 6 Vin 5 / 5+
Vin 12 / 4- 7 8 Vin 4 / 4+
Vin 11 / 3- 9 10 Vin 3 / 3+
Vin 10 / 2- 11 12 Vin 2 / 2+
Vin 9 / 1- 13 14 Vin 1 / 1+
Vin 8 / 0- 15 16 Vin 0 / 0+
Analog Ground 17 18 VRef Out (+5V/-5V)
Analog Ground 19 20 Vout 0
Analog Ground 21 22 Vout 1
Analog Ground 23 24 +15V Output
-15V Output 25 26 VRef In 0
Analog Ground 27 28 VRef In 1
Counter 0 in- 29 30 Digital Ground
Counter 0 Out 31 32 Counter 2 Out
Digital Out 7 33 34 Digital Out 6
Digital Out 5 35 36 Digital Out 4
Digital Out 3 37 38 Digital Out 2
Digital Out 1 39 40 Digital Out 0
Digital In 7 41 42 Digital In 6
Digital In 5 43 44 Digital In 4
Digital In 3 45 46 Digital In 2
Digital In 1 47 48 Digital In 0
+5V 49 50 Digital Ground

Analog Inputs
Number of inputs 8 differential or 16 single-ended (user selectable)
A/D resolution 12 bits (1/4096 of full scale)
Bipolar ranges ±10V, ±5V, ±2.5V, ±1V, ±0.5V, Custom
Unipolar ranges 0-10V, 0-5V, 0-2.5V, 0-1V, 0-.5V, Custom
Input bias current 50nA max
Max. input voltage ±10V for linear operation
Overvoltage protection ±35V on any analog input
Input Impedance 10^13 ohms
Conversion trigger software trigger, internal pacer clock, or external TTL signal
Analog Outputs
Number of outputs 2
D/A resolution 12 bits (1/4096 of full scale)
Output ranges 0-5V, adjustable, or external reference input
Output current ±8mA max per channel
Settling time 4µS max to ±2/2 LSB
Relative accuracy ±1 LSB
Nonlinearity ±1 LSB, monotonic
Reset All channels reset to OV
Digital I/O
Number of inputs 8, HCT/TTL compatible
Input voltage
Logic 0: 0.0V min, 0.85 max
Logic 1: 2.0V min, 5.0V max
Input current ±1µA max
Number of outputs 8, HCT/TTL compatible
Output voltage
Logic 0: 0.0V min, 0.33 max
Logic 1: 3.8V min, 5.0 max
Output current ±4mA max per line
A/D Pacer clock 32-bit down counter (2 82C54 counters cascaded)
Clock source 10MHz on-board source or external signal
General purpose 16-bit down counter (1 82C54 counter)
Interrupt/DMA trigger End of A/D conversion
Power supply +5VD±10%@165mA typical
±15V output current ±10mA max with DACs unloaded
Operating temperature 0°C to +70°C Standard, -40°C to +85°C Extended
Weight 3.3oz/93g
MTBF DMM-XT 372,809 hours
RoHS Compliant

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Available Models:
Diamond-MM 16-ch 12-bit A/D + 2-ch 12-bit D/A Extended Temperature
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Product Support for Diamond-MM

User Manual

Universal Driver 6.02 Release Notes(.pdf, 141.3 KB)
Diamond-MM Manual v2.2(.pdf, 460.3 KB)
Visit Universal Driver software page
Diamond-MM Example Programs for UD 5.91

Windows GUI Demos(.zip, 287.4 KB)
Demonstrates and exercises all the I/O features on-board

Diamond-MM Datasheet(.pdf, 158.4 KB)
Technical Documents

Analog Interfacing Considerations(.pdf, 344.7 KB)
82C54 Counter/Timer IC Datasheet(.pdf, 181.8 KB)

Diamond-MM End of Life Notice(.pdf, 54.8 KB)
16 single-ended or 8 differential analog inputs
12-bit A/D resolution
Bipolar and unipolar input ranges
Up to 20,000 samples/sec maximum AD conversion rate
External trigger capability
Interrupt and DMA operation
2 analog outputs, 12-bit resolution
16 digital I/O lines (8 in, 8 out)
On-board A/D pacer clock
1 16-bit general purpose counter/timer
Requires only +5V power supply
Free Universal Driver programming library and demo programs for control of all data acquisition features
See Diamond-MM Technical Resources
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